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Lesson Eleven

  • Video 11 Cyberduck

  • This video details the installation & setup of Cyberduck and connecting it to your AWS account. Cyberduck is another 3rd party tool (User Interface) that connects your computer to your Amazon AWS account. Cyberduck is like an FTP client that works with PCs & Macs and is FREE!

  • Running time is 5:03

Lesson Eleven Read
Lesson Eleven

In this video, we’re going to connect the access level from that user that we’ve created in the prior video to Cyberduck. Downloading and installing Cyberduck is very straightforward.

The only thing I need to mention here is that you want to head over to https, I believe it is, and then scroll down and click on the appropriate download that you need, whether it’s for a Windows or a Macintosh and as far as the installation like I said it’s very straightforward, the one thing I do want to bring your attention is, I think it’s the very first thing that pops up whenever you go install it, is that it’s going to ask if you want to install Bonjour. Totally up to you if you want to or not. If you have iTunes on your computer, chances are you already have it installed. It’s just one of those things that Apple kind of throws at you.

But another thing while you’re on this page is you might want to scroll on down and read a little bit more about Cyberduck itself and how it can help you manage the files within your S3 account, but there’s a lot more to Cyberduck than just what I’m going to be covering in this video. For example if we click on this link right here, Amazon Simple Storage Service under Amazon S3 for the rest us, it will bring us to the quickie wiki page for Cyberduck and give us some more information on using Cyberduck to manage your files within S3, but once you’ve got Cyberduck downloaded and installed, open it up and after you’ve opened it the first time you’re probably going to get something that looks similar to this.

There are a few things you can do within Cyberduck preparing yourself for future uses of Cyberduck and your S3 account. For example, under edit I think it is, go to preferences and under the default protocol you can change this from FTP, hit the dropdown and select S3. That way as soon as you click on open connection, it will open right up to where you can enter your S3 account stuff, whereas right now you click on open connection and by default it will open up the FTP client, which is great if you just want to connect your web server to your computer, but we won’t connect our S3 account to our computer.

Another thing is you can click on S3 and you can choose your default bucket location, which by default is US standard or hitting the dropdown arrow here you can choose from any other location. I myself will leave it at US standard if that’s where a majority of your customers are going to be getting the objects from your buckets, otherwise choose one of the other ones and you can always choose these on a bucket by bucket basis too and you can always change the default storage class from regular to the reduced redundancy or the RRS and if you want to have everything encrypted then go from non to the AES-256, which probably isn’t a bad idea.

And then you’ve got some other options right here that you can configure under preferences. Again that’s under edit, preferences. And there’s no save button here at all. Just make those changes and click on the X up here to close out of it and you’re good.

Now let’s click on open connection and connect our user, Jane, to Cyberduck. As you can see it opened right up to S3, otherwise you would hit the dropdown and select S3 and don’t worry about the server or the port. The default is just fine.